United Testing Systems, Inc. sells
and services magnetic particle,
penetrant, ultrasonic, and eddy current equipment.
In addition to new equipment, we also sell used/rebuilt equipment with full warranties
We are an authorized service center for Magnaflux Corp. and many others.
United Testing Systems services these industries:
And Others!!!

We service all makes and models of magnetic particle
equipment including equipment manufactured by Magnaflux, Advance Test Equipment/Magna
Check, Magwerks, Uresco/Ardrox, Gould Bass, Solid State Systems, Tiede, Universal
NDT, TSI, Econospect, Hannon Electric, Sonoflux, Parker Research, and many others.
Parts are stocked for repairs, and in many cases a loaner or rental equipment is
We do modifications and custom work. Turn around time is quick, and emergency
help is available 24 hours a day.
We service equipment from many different manufacturers.
Our calibration system for magnetic particle equipment meets or exceeds MIL-STD-1949A,
ASTM E-1444, MIL-STD-45662A, ANSI/NCSL Z540-1, ISO 10012-1, MIL-STD 271, ASTM E709,
10CFR PART 21, ISO/IEC 17025, GE #P3TF9, MAC AIR P.S. 21201.